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Know your Worth

It’s a new year and it’s time to own your value. Around this time we get hyped up about health and fitness and I think that strengthening our self-worth muscles are just as important.

Communication is KEY!

The ability to communicate effectively and with clarity is the number one skill that ensures fruitful relationships and sets you apart from others.

10 Reasons Why a Mentor Is a Must

From not making certain business decisions to fostering certain partnerships, a mentor can help guide you through your journey.

Here are ten other reasons why you need someone like a mentor:

2019 SMART Goals

The beginning of the year is the perfect time to think about the goals you desire to accomplish for the next 12 months. Many people have steered away from making New Year Resolutions to creating elaborate or simple vision boards.

Organizational Change Management

Sure, you are working hard on your project.  You are a seasoned Project Manager and have delivered many projects over the years.  The big question, however, is how successful will this current project be, not only from a project delivery but also from a client acceptance stand-point?

3 Candidate Tips For Successful Phone Interviews

Phone screens have become the top choice for busy recruiters and human resource managers. Phone interviews are generally less expensive for the employers and can provide the interviewer with a glimpse of whether the candidate is worthy of a in person interview.

How To Handle the Top 5 Difficult Interview Questions

Behavioral based interview questions have become a popular choice with many Recruiters and HR Managers. This type of questioning allows them to learn more about a candidate’s past experience as a predictor for future performance, but there are still some companies and some interviewers who will use more traditional interview questions.